Hi, Iā€™m Fraser Long

I am a certified Fertility Awareness Educator and Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner. I earned my certification at Justisse College in 2023.

My fertility awareness journey began in 2017, when I decided I was ready to start a family. I was searching the web for the quickest way to get pregnant (as one does), when I stumbled upon a book about fertility awareness. I read that book cover to cover in one night, and was shocked by all the information I had never been taught about how my own body functions.

I was ecstatic that my first cycle using fertility awareness I became pregnant. Two months later, my excitement turned to devastation when I experienced a miscarriage. Over a two year period I had a total of four miscarriages that left me feeling completely heartbroken.

During that time, I was searching for someone who could help guide me, someone who could help me understand what might be going wrong, and what changes I could make to improve my chances of having a successful pregnancy. I realized that person did not exist in my community - so I decided to become that person.

I have used fertility awareness to both prevent and achieve pregnancy. Fertility awareness has allowed me to get to know my body better, and to monitor my cycle health. Fertility awareness has led me down a path to greater overall health and well-being. Most importantly, fertility awareness helped bring me what I most wished for - a healthy, beautiful baby.

I believe that fertility awareness, and the power to understand your health through the window of your reproductive cycle, is knowledge that every person should have access to. It is my wish to help provide this knowledge to any person who desires it, for whatever reason.

We each have our own unique stories - stories that change depending upon where we are in our lives. One of the beautiful things about fertility awareness is that it can be adapted to benefit most any individual, at any point in their reproductive health story.

My Approach & Fertility Philosophy

A Holistic View on Reproductive Health

Our reproductive health is a direct reflection of our overall health. We are holistic beings, so of course our reproductive health and our overall health are intricately interwoven. Intuitively it makes total sense. The problem is that we are often led to believe that we can turn our fertility off and on at will, and live whatever lifestyle we choose without any consequences. We often treat reproductive health and fertility as if it is somehow separate from overall health.

In reality just the opposite is true. If our bodies are well and healthy, then we will most likely have good reproductive health, and be fertile. If our bodies are struggling to maintain equilibrium, and fighting to keep us going, then we will often develop reproductive health issues, and we will not be fertile.

The good news is that just like there is so much we can do to improve our overall health, there is also so much we can do to improve our reproductive health and fertility. Of course this is important for people who wish to have children, but it is also important for people who just wish to be healthy. Reproductive health issues can be signs of larger health imbalances in the body. When you make changes to improve your reproductive health using a holistic approach, your overall health also benefits.

Fertility Awareness, and a holistic approach to reproductive health, can give us the tools necessary to know when imbalances are going on, and how to address them in a way that supports the health of the whole body.